Thursday, October 16, 2008

Strong, Dark, and with a Snap of a Finger...He Does Just What I Want Him to Do...What more could I want from Life?

Isn't he just beautiful! I bought this new little guy to tide me over until I can get my "real camera." This little guy has so many wonderful features. He's shockproof, waterproof, snowproof, light weight, and you can carry him almost anywhere. You'll see how wonderful he really is, soon.


Lila said...

i can't wait for you to take our pictures with it again. lol. i wanted to send you a private message but i don't have your email, here's mine.
now that i'm here, i don't care who knows it. I LOVE SUSIE STJOHN! there i said it and i'm not ashamed. i love you for reals. ben and jen tell me always, how excited you are and how you swap updates, mostly, you telling them what's going on (and they love it) since their lives are crazy with 3 kids and 2 babies! i just wanted you to know that i care about your posts and everyone's cause each one gives me a thrill that people care so much. so thank you and i just want to sqeeze you!
also, my friend heather and sis jenalyn are having a 'virtual shower' for us of sorts and i told her to invite you to it specifically cause you are so dear to us. i don't know if she has your email if you don't mind sending to her.
thank you! i love you!!!!

Lila said...'s 518am here, just so you know how sleepless my night has been. i've been up for an hour emailing etc cause evan will be discharged from the hospital today and i can't wait!

Blessed Mama! said...

You say your new camera is "SHOCK PROOF".

Well... we'll see. Wait till you point it at me! lol. Linda